VR's Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 26 March, 2025 at 19:30 in the hall Háteigur at Hóteel Reykjavík Grand. The meeting will take place both as an in-person meeting and an online meeting.
Members who wish to attend the meeting must register on the VR website by 12:00 noon on the day of the meeting and register for either an on-site or remote meeting.
Interpretation in English will only be available on Teams. Members requiring interpretation at the in-person meeting are kindly asked to bring the necessary equipment and headphones.
All voting at the meeting will be conducted either by a show of hands or electronically, and online attendees must identify themselves using electronic ID. It is important that all attendees bring the necessary equipment (a computer or smart device) to participate in the voting.
If members experience technical difficulties, they can call 820 1700 from 19:00. We encourage members to register for the online meeting in a timely manner.

Agenda of the Annual General Meeting
- Election of a chairperson for the meeting.
- Election of a secretary.
- Board report on the union's activities over the past operational year.
- Presentation and approval of the union’s financial statements for the past year.
- Board proposal regarding contributions to the VR Contingency Fund.
- Board proposal regarding the review of VR grants.
- Board proposal regarding the merger of VR and Leiðsögn – Tourist Guide Union.
- Amendments to the bylaws.
- Announcement of the election results for the Chairperson, Board, and Consultative Council.
- Election of a certified auditor or auditing firm and two socially elected auditors.
- Decision on membership fees.
- Decision on the remuneration of board members and auditors.
- Other matters.
Meeting documents
- Financial Statements 2024 (Icelandic only)
- Board proposal on amendments to the bylaws
- Board proposal on contributions to the VR Contingency Fund
- Board proposal regarding the review of VR grants
- Board proposal on the merger of VR and Leiðsögn – Tourist Guide Union
- Other board proposals
- VR Annual Report 2024 – 2025