In the VR survey on the Company of the Year, employees are asked about their attitudes towards nine key factors in the internal work environment of companies. Each key factor is given a rating from one to five, and together they form an overall score, both for the companies that appear on the lists and the overall score for all respondents in the survey. The weight of the factors in the overall score varies, with company management carrying the most weight (see discussion on methology).
The Nine Key Factors

Do employees feel that the workplace is well-managed and do they trust their superiors?

How well do employees get along with others at the workplace?

Salary and Benefits
Are employees satisfied with their pay?

Working Conditions
Safety, technology, lighting, acoustics, dining and coffee facilities, etc.

Flexibility at Work
Room to take time off, run errands, and balance work and family life.

Independence at Work
Initiative at work, overview, goals, and self-confidence.

Company Image
Employees' perception of the general discussion about the company.

Job Satisfaction and Pride
Are employees proud of their workplace and do they feel good at work?

Do all have equal opportunities, regardless of age, gender, origin, sexual orientation, religion, or beliefs?
The overall score reflects employees' general attitudes towards their workplaces, the average of all nine factors listed above. The overall score in the table below is independent of the size of the companies and is based on the responses of all those who participated in the survey, regardless of whether the respondents' companies made it onto the company lists.
Factors that Make Up the Measurement of the Company of the Year 2024
- I receive support and encouragement from my immediate supervisor.
- My immediate supervisor highly respects the staff.
- My immediate supervisor is fair to the staff.
- I can turn to my immediate supervisor if I need to.
- My immediate supervisor ensures I have opportunities to develop my skills.
- My immediate supervisor improves working conditions when necessary.
- It is clear what my immediate supervisor expects from me.
- At my workplace, staff are praised when they perform well.
- How well or poorly do you think your workplace is managed?
- I have complete trust in the company's management.
- I usually find the work atmosphere to be relaxed and unforced.
- Communication among my colleagues is open and straightforward.
- I get along well with my colleagues.
- Satisfaction with salary and benefits.
- The salaries of the institution's staff are determined fairly.
- Do you think your employer provides better, similar, or worse salary and benefits compared to other similar workplaces?
- Satisfaction with the workspace, i.e., work or office space.
- Satisfaction with lighting.
- Satisfaction with ventilation.
- Satisfaction with acoustics (satisfaction or dissatisfaction with noise levels).
- Satisfaction with dining and coffee facilities.
- Satisfaction with workplace safety.
- Satisfaction with computer and equipment.
- I can leave work on short notice to attend to urgent personal matters.
- I have room to run errands during work hours when necessary.
- Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the flexibility you have at work?
- I find it easy to balance work and family life.
- I find it easy to take summer vacations/other holidays at times that suit me.
- I feel I have a good grasp of all aspects of my job.
- I feel I have sufficient overview of all the aspects required of me in my job.
- The goals of my job are clear.
- Overall, I have significant influence over how my job is performed.
- When my company is mentioned, the discussion is usually favorable.
- Overall, customers have a positive attitude towards the company.
- Overall, the company I work for is considered to be very reliable.
- Overall, I am satisfied with my job.
- Overall, I feel good at my job.
- I can recommend my workplace as a good place to work to my friends.
- I am proud of the company I work for.
- At my workplace, there is an emphasis on gender equality.
- At my workplace, there is a clear policy on gender equality.
- At my workplace, I feel that men and women receive the same opportunities for career advancement.
- At my workplace, people are not discriminated against (e.g., based on age, gender, origin, sexual orientation, or religious or life beliefs).
- At my workplace, a diverse group of individuals works (e.g., in terms of age, gender, origin, sexual orientation, or religious or life beliefs).
- At my workplace, both men and women hold positions of responsibility.
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