Travel grants

Members can apply for a grant for travel- and accommodation costs when they attend a job-related study, course, educational trip or a conference more than 50 km from their home.

A special application must be filed for a travel grant which always must relate to studies/course/conference that the member attends. If the member does not pay him-/herself for studies/course/conference, a confirmation of participation must be turned in along with the application for a travel grant.

Funding rules

The maximum travel grant is 50.000 IKR. per. year, but the maximum of 50% of the invoice. The kilometre rate of the Ministry of Finance and Economy is adhered to every time. The amount is deducted from the maximum grant which is 180.000 ISK pr. year.

What is left of a 540 thousand accumulated right to vocational studies may be used for a travel grant for the maximum of 150.000 IKR but no higher than 50% of travel costs.

An application must be accompanied by:

  • A paid invoice (not older than 12 months) which is in the name of the member where the cost due to travelling is stated.

  • Confirmation of payment, e.g. a screenshot from an Internet bank.
  • The member paying the course fees/conference fees is a condition for a grant.

  • If member travels in his own car:
    *Number of kilometers and the date of travels
    *Confirmation of attendance

In the case of organized educational trips, the basis for being able to apply for a travel grant is that the fare is paid in one’s own name. An educational program must also accompany the application where a detailed description of an organized education is official.

Conditions for a travel grant:

  • The member must pay the travel costs relating to vocational studies, courses, vocational visits to companies or a conference.
  • Member must turn in a confirmation of participation when a participation fee is not collected.
  • A program must accompany applications because of vocational visits to companies and conferences.
  • It must be stated in the program because of vocational visits to companies which places are visited, what the content of the introduction is in each place and timing.
  • A confirmation of participation must also be turned in, in the form of a signed letter from a superior or supervisor of the trip. The trip must be described in the letter and its purpose explained.