Leisure grants can only be applied for due to courses fitting the below definitions and are held domestically, see further details in article 5 of the fund's rules of procedure.
The definitions are:
- Defined beginning, end and instructor
- Course information must be accessible
- The course must be available publicly
- Follows a prepared plan or definition
- Counselling, supervision and personal plans do not qualify for grants.
Beginner courses that fit the above definitions qualify for grants, but continuous practicing/training does not.
Fitness programs and yoga classes are considered as practice/training unless they are defined as beginner classes. Please note that it is not possible to receive a grant more than once for a beginner's course in the same subject.
Courses that have the purpose of preparing individuals for certain events/competitions are not eligible for grants.
Private tutoring at leisure-based courses, active physiological and psychological treatments/therapy do not qualify for grants.
Funding rules
A grant for up to 50% of the course fee is provided but for the maximum of 40.000 ISK pr. year. The amount is deducted from the maximum grant amount which is 180.000 ISK pr. year. A leisure grant does not cause a decrease in the accumulated grant.
An application must be accompanied by:
- An invoice (not older than 12 months) which is in the name of the member where it states the studies/course description, initial date and final date of the course as well as the name of the education provider.
- Confirmation of payment, e.g. a screenshot from an Internet bank or a payment receipt.
- It is not possible to apply for a grant more than once because of the same invoice.
Please keep the following in mind
In cases where grants are not taxable, it is imperative to deduct the costs against the grant on the tax return. Here you can access instructions and more information. (Icelandic only)
We would like to draw attention to the fact that jobseekers must report grants from trade unions to the Directorate of Labour (Vinnumálastofnun). We would also like to inform pensioners that payments must be reported to the Social Insurance Administration (Tryggingastofnun).