VR membership fees are 0.7% of your salary. Everyone who has paid a membership fee for one month is entitled to assistance from the Department of Employment Terms and sickness benefits. To become a full member and be entitled to other benefits which such membership covers, you must have paid the minimum membership fee for the last 12 months.
Your employer pays a matching contribution to your membership fee as follows: 1% to the Sick Pay fund, 0.25% to the Vacation Allowance fund, 0.30% to the Vocational Training fund and 0.13% to the Rehabilitation fund.

Services offered by VR
- VR negotiates collective wage agreements and company agreements
- VR assists in the calculation of wages, the interpretation of collective wage agreements and in resolving disputes in the workplace
- VR assists in the negotiation of employment contracts
- VR provides legal assistance with regards to wage terms and the collection of salary claims, e.g. due to company bankruptcy
- VR performs an annual salary survey and a company of the year survey for comparison purposes
- VR carries out campaigns in the media to raise awareness about various issues, such as gender-related wage differences, bullying and sexual harassment
- VR issues reminders about its members’ rights, such as wage increases, vacation- and December supplements and rest periods — by means of advertisements in the media
- VR is a member of ASÍ (the Icelandic Confederation of Labor)
- You have the option to rent a VR vacation home all year round
- You have the option to purchase a gift certificate from Icelandair
- Sales of the camping-, fishing- and golf card
Vocational Training funds are available to members if they want to improve their skills and education. VR members can apply for grants for vocational training, leisure training and travel costs in accordance with the funds’ regulations.
The VR Contingency fund combines the member entitlements to various funds into one fund which members can make use of with more flexibility than before. Finance goes to the fund which was used before as various grants from the Sick Pay fund as well as a specific part of fees to the Vacation Pay fund.
Members still have the option to make use of their Contingency fund for these factors but in addition they now have the option of saving up in the fund to use for bigger projects or to meet setbacks in life.
All information on My Pages
Everyone who has paid to the union for the last twelve months can sign up on My Pages where they can see an overview of membership fee payments and which services they have made use of.
Full members can also see their position in the union’s funds, such as the VR Contingency fund and Vocational funds.