Transfer of rights

Transfers between Vocational Funds

The vocational funds for VR/LÍV members, Starfsmenntasjóður verslunar- og skrifstofufólks (SVS) and Starfsmenntasjóður verslunarinnar (SV)  have a contract with Starfsafl (Efling) og Landsmennt (unions in rural Iceland) Sjómennt, Sveitmennt og Ríkismennt about transfers between their funds.

Two ways:

  1. Transfers from VR.
    VR Employee sends this  form to VR member. Member sends it back filled out. When an application has been recieved should all documents concerning the application sent to
  2. Transfers to VR.
    It is necessary to fill out an application when applying for transfer between funds. Member  needs to contact it‘s former union. The old union has to send payment history and information whether the person has had any vocational grants there in the last 36 months to VR via email. Data about payment history should be sent by e-mail to with the application. Please send to 

Transfers between Sick Pay Funds
VR Sick Pay fund has an agreement between all associations wihtin ASÍ that ensures right in their Sick Pay funds. All these requests have to be sent to The employees of the fund handle each case indiviually based on applications.

Transfers due to payments to the wrong union
For people who have been paying to the wrong union, based on their job title or job description. Each case has to be looked at individually and the Employment Term divison within VR handles that. All requests regarding this must be sent to