Regulations and Rules of Procedure of the VR Sick Pay Fund

Employers pay 1% of the employee's wages to the Sick Pay Fund of the relevant union. The VR Sick Pay Fund is comprised of these funds. The role of the VR Sick Pay Fund is to provide VR members with financial assistance in the event of illness, accident and death, and old-age and disability incidents. Furthermore, the fund also works on preventive measures that affect the safety and health of members. Members of the Icelandic Society of Architects have the same rights in the fund as other fund members.

Regulations for the VR Sick Pay Fund

Article 1 Name and domicile of the Fund

1.1 The fund’s name is the VR Sick Pay Fund.

1.2 The VR Sick Pay Fund was established with reference to Act no. 19, 1 May 1979.

1.3 The VR Sick Pay Fund is the property of VR. The Fund’s domicile and venue are in Reykjavík.

Article 2. The Fund’s objectives

2.1 The objectives of the VR Sick Pay Fund is to provide VR members with financial assistance in the event of illness, accident, and death.

2.2 The Fund's objective is also to work on preventive measures related to occupational safety and health.

2.3 The fund can also provide funds to entities working to improve health.

2.4 VR is authorised to provide assistance to non-profit organisations, which agree to the above, regarding the above-mentioned objective.

2.5 The Annual General Meeting is authorised to decide that a percentage of the members' premiums in the VR Sick Pay Fund will go into the VR Reserve Fund and be paid out according to the regulation on the VR Reserve Fund.

Article 3

3.1 It is permitted to establish cooperation with other union for the operation of sick pay funds.

Article 4 Revenue

4.1 The Fund's revenue is the contractual fees of employers to the Fund according to VR collective wage agreements at any time cf. Article 7 of Act No. 19, 1 May 1979.

4.2 Interest income and other dividends.

4.3 Gifts, contributions and grants.

4.4. Other income that the Annual General Meeting of the union/Fund may decide from at any time.

Article 5 Management and operations

5.1 The VR Board serves as the Board of the Fund and is responsible for collection and other financial matters concerning the Fund.

5.2 The VR Board may task a five-member Executive Board with the management and control of the Fund. The Executive Board elects its own Chairman.

5.3 The Fund is managed in accordance with general administrative procedures.

5.4 General VR staff manage the Fund and handle its finances.

5.5 All costs deriving from management of the VR Sick Pay Fund are covered by the Fund.

5.6 Information on members’ right to payment from the Fund must always be available.

5.7 The Fund’s Board determines further procedures for the allocation of benefits and other arrangements.

Article 6 Accounts and auditing

6.1 The Fund’s accounts shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting signed off by the union’s internal inspectors and a certified auditor for processing. The accounting year for the Fund is the same as for the union.

6.2 An audit shall be carried out by a certified auditor or audit company in accordance with good auditing practice in force at any given time.

6.3 In the annual accounts or the accompanying notes, the costs for each benefit category must be itemised separately.

Article 7 Inspections of independent monitoring bodies

7.1 Every other year, the Fund's Executive Board shall hire an independent actuary or certified auditor to assess the Fund's future position and whether the Fund can meet its obligations.

7.2 The Fund's Board must always ensure that the Fund can meet its obligations.

Article 8 Fund returns

8.1. The funds of the Fund may be invested in the following ways:

a) in government bonds, in bonds guaranteed by the National Treasury,

b) by purchasing market-listed securities,

c) in banks or savings banks,

d) in property related to the Fund's activities and goals,

e) in any other way the Fund's Board deems safe.

Article 9 Right to benefits from the VR Sick Pay Fund

9.1 Only those who which payment to the Fund is being effected when the right to assistance arises and meet the following conditions have the right to benefits from the Fund, however, cf. Art. 9.4, 9.6, 9.7 and 9.8.

9.2 Those who have paid a premium to the VR Sick Pay Fund for one month shall be entitled to the payment of sick pay and accident benefits, but in order to be entitled to other benefits from the Sick Pay Fund, e.g. death benefits, etc., must have paid a premium to the VR Sick Pay Fund continuously for at least 6 months before the date of application. Per diem payments, subsidies, and death benefits may be paid, based on employment ratio.

9.3 A person who has acquired the right to payment from the Sick Pay Fund of one trade union within ASÍ acquires rights with the VR Sick Pay Fund, according to Article 2, after payments have been made for them to the Fund for one month, as they had rights with the previous union until then.

9.4 a) In general, rights to the VR Sick Pay Fund are not created through premium payments from unemployment benefits or maternity/paternity leave payments, except for those who were members of VR when they lost their job and applied for unemployment benefits or started taking maternity/paternity leave. However, such rights may be granted in the VR Sick Pay Fund to job seekers who have paid membership fees to the VR for at least 36 months out of the last 60 months before registration in the unemployment register.

b) Maternity/paternity leave is counted as working time and does not reduce the right to benefits as long as the membership fee is paid from maternity/paternity leave payments.

9.5 If there are changes to the premiums paid shortly before the application for a grant from the fund from a self-employed person or a family member of the operator of a small business, it is permitted to stop payment, set another reference period for determining the amount of benefits, and to require additional documents from public entities. The same applies to retroactive premium payments and if self-employed persons have recently joined the union.

9.6 The right to death benefits and grants may be granted for those who retire after the age of 67.

9.7 The Executive Board of the Fund is authorised to provide grants to fund members in the form of prevention and rehabilitation grants and grants for medical and accident costs.

9.8 Grants and financial contributions to institutions and associations shall be determined by the Board of the Fund in each case according to Article 2.

9.9 The Board of the Fund is authorised to establish other benefit categories for maternity/paternity leave, accident insurance and other health insurance.

Article 10 Sickness and accident per diem payments

The Sick Pay Fund must pay sickness and accident per diem if swage income is reduced due to illness or accident, and it must be 80% of the average wage. When calculating the amount of per diem, payments to the Members’ and Sick Pay Fund of VR should be taken into account in the last 6 months before wage payments ceased. If there have been significant changes in wages in the last 6 months, income may be assessed separately and over a longer period, but never longer than 12 months. In cases where a member receives payments for the same accident and/or illness period from other parties, such as payments from workers' compensation insurance, it is permitted to pay the difference between the compensation amount and 80% of the average wage if that amount is lower than the calculated amount of daily allowance from the VR Sick Pay Fund. Accident per diem according to this Article is not paid due to compensable accidents and occupational diseases, including accidents caused by motor vehicles.

At the start of membership, sickness and accident benefits shall not be paid for more days than have been paid to the Sick Pay Fund for the relevant member, and are then based on the day the payment begins. However, applicants who have been full members of another union in ASÍ are exempt from this, cf. Art. 9.3.

It is also permitted to pay per diem if wage income ceases due to the illness of fund members’ children, under 18 years of age, or due to the chronic illness of the spouse. In other respects, the same rules as above apply.

If a member is entitled to a rehabilitation pension from the State Social Security Institute, the application for sickness or accident per diem may be refused. If the rehabilitation pension payments are of a lower amount than the sickness or accident per diem, the member may be paid the difference in accordance with their entitlement to sickness per diem.

In general, it shall be a condition of the payment of sickness and accident per diem that the applicant first attends an interview with the Fund's adviser and that their documents are viewed by the Fund's physician in order to assess possible rehabilitation measures. Sickness and accident per diem for those who refuse to participate in the offered resources of the Fund's advisers shall be 72% of the average wage. However, such reduction shall not occur until at least 120 days have been paid in the relevant payment period. In the event of such a reduction, the relevant member may demand that the matter be referred to the Fund's Executive Board for a final decision.

The number of days in the payment period is determined by the Fund's Executive Board and confirmed by VR's Board, and it must be specified in the Fund's Rules of Procedure in each case. The payment period can never be shorter than the minimum specified in the applicable guidelines for ASÍ member sick pay funds.
The person who has fully used the right acquires it again when payments have been effected for them to the Fund for 12 months.

Article 11 Death benefits

VR pays death benefits in the event of the death of a full VR member. Benefit amounts depend on the size of the family and whether the person in question was still in the labour market and are allocated according to the current Rules of Procedure of the VR Sickness Fund.

In addition, it is permitted to pay death benefits for members' children under 18 years of age, as stipulated in the Fund's Rules of Procedure in each case.

Article 12 Accident benefits

{Abolished at the VR 2022 Annual General Meeting} See older regulation here (Icelandic only)

Article 13 Release from payment obligation

In case of epidemics, natural disasters, or other major trauma, the Fund's management can release the Fund from its payment obligations temporarily. The Fund's Board may also decide to temporarily reduce the amount of benefits, if the Fund's performance appears to be at risk. If it is necessary to reduce benefits due to the Fund's financial status, sickness and accident benefits shall be reduced the least and shall have priority over other categories of benefits or payments.

Article 14 Depreciation of benefit rights

The right to benefits or grants from the Fund is depreciated as follows:
Per diem payments, accident, and death benefits depreciate 24 months after the right to benefits arises. Other payments and benefits depreciate 12 months after the right to benefits arises.

Article 15 Premium refund

Premiums to the Fund are non-refundable.

Article 16 Obligations to provide information

16.1 The Board of the Fund must inform fund members of their rights according to the Fund's regulations by means of a presentation on the union's website.

16.2 The Board of the Fund must submit to ASÍ's office annually; the Annual Accounts of the Fund as well as an assessment of the future position every 5 years.

16.3 The Board of the Fund must submit to ASÍ's office any amendments that may be made to this Regulation.

Article 17 Benefits obtained fraudulently

A person who tries to obtain benefits by giving false or misleading information, conceals or fails to report changes in their condition or health that affects rights in whole or in part according to this Regulation shall lose the right to benefits from the Fund. Beneficiaries may be reclaimed for already paid benefits/per diem payments obtained fraudulently plus late interest. Upon the first offense, overpaid benefits shall be reclaimed, and the person shall not be entitled to payment of benefits from the VR Sick Pay Fund until two months have passed, which would otherwise have been paid during the same benefit period, or the next time benefits are applied for. Upon the second offense it shall be three months, and for the third offense six months. The right to benefits according to the above is dependent on the reimbursement of erroneously paid benefits.

Article 18 VR Complaints Committee

Disputes that arise regarding the interpretation of rules, grounds, conditions, and amounts of per diem payments, grants and other payments from the Fund may be appealed to the VR Complaints Committee appointed by the union's Board. The role of the Complaints Committee shall be to deliver rulings on disputes which may arise on the basis of VR laws and regulations.

The appeal deadline is three months from when the relevant member or party is notified of the VR Sif Pay Fund's decision, and in more detail according to the applicable rules for the VR Complaints Committee in each case.

Article 19. Amendments to the Regulation

Amendments to the Regulation shall only be made at VR's Annual General Meeting.
(Approved by the board of VR on 14 August 1979, at the Annual General Meeting of VR on March 23, 1980 with subsequent amendments on 25 March 1985, 16 March 1998, 8 March 1999, 26 March 2001, 14 March 2005, 24 April 2006, 26 March 2007, 2 April 2009, 11 January 2011, 10 April 2012, 25 March 2015, 27 March 2019, 9 June 2020, and 24 March 2021.)

Interim provisions
Art. 9.4, Art. 10 Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5, Article 12; These articles take effect from 1 July 2015, but until then the old rules apply.

Rules of Procedure of the VR Sick Pay Fund

Article 1 Mandate of the Executive Board of the VR Sick Pay Fund

1.1 The Board of VR entrusts the 5-member Executive Board of the VR Sick Pay Fund the management and control of processing for the VR Sick Pay Fund, according to Article 5 of the Regulation on the Sick Pay Fund.

1.2 The Executive Board of the VR Sick Pay Fund shall formulate its Rules of Procedure according to Art. 5.7 of the Regulation on the Sick Pay Fund, as the Fund's experience, activities and financial position warrant. The Rules of Procedure of the Fund must be confirmed by the Board of VR.

1.3 The Executive Board shall entrust the VR office with general management and daily handling of cases.

Article 2 Sickness and accident per diem payments

2.1 The VR Sick Pay Fund pays sickness or accident benefits if a member becomes unable to work due to illness or accident and wage income has ceased. Sickness entitlement with the employer, according to the collective wage agreement, must be fully used. However, sickness per diem payments may be made to those who undergo alcohol or drug treatment, without having exhausted their sickness entitlement with the employer. Self-employed members of VR enjoy the same sickness entitlements as regular employees and must also complete sickness entitlements at their own operation before they receive payments from the VR Sick Pay Fund. A medical certificate is required, confirming that incapacity for work lasted during the period when sick leave was utilized at one's own business. Sickness per diem payments may be linked to the average wage. It is not permitted to pay a sickness per diem in parallel with studies that begin after the benefit period has begun.
Sickness per diem according to this Article is not paid due to compensable accidents and occupational diseases, including accidents caused by motor vehicles. This also applies to accidents caused by motor vehicles that are exempt from insurance requirements according to Paragraph 2, Article 11 of Act No. 30/2019. If a fund member neglects to purchase statutory insurance, the VR Sick Pay Fund will not make accident per diem payments that would otherwise have been paid by an insurance company.

2.2 Documents to be submitted with the application for sickness benefits include a sickness benefit certificate issued in Iceland and confirmation of when the employer's sickness benefit entitlement ends. It is permitted to request payslips for the last 6 months prior to the payment of sickness benefits.

2.3 Each consecutive payment period is 210 days in each 12-month period. The person who has fully used the right acquires it again when payments have been effected for them to the Fund for 12 months.

2.4 Sickness per diem payments may be made due to illness during pregnancy, as long as there is no per diem payment for the same period from other sources. If a member is entitled to extended maternity/paternity leave at the Maternity/Paternity Leave Fund, they are not entitled to sickness per diem payments from the Sick Pay Fund at the same time.

2.5 Parents who experience the loss of a child under 18 years old are entitled to Bereavement Leave according to Act No. 77/2022. If a parent applies for sickness per diem payment based on incapacity for work resulting from the loss of a child under the age of 18, it is necessary to have availed themselves of the right to Bereavement Leave before sickness per diem payments.

2.6 Per diem is not paid if the member is entitled to a disability pension

2.7 It is permitted to pay partial per diem payments if a fund member is unable to work full-time due to illness or injury. The entitlement to sickness per diem payments is proportionally reduced for those working part-time alongside receiving such payments. However, the maximum length of a sickness benefit period can never exceed 12 consecutive months.

Effective from January 1, 2025.

2.8 Sickness per diem payments shall be based on the average wage of the beneficiary, based on payments to the VR Members’ and Sick Pay Funds, for the last 6 months before wage payments ceased cf. Art. 10 of the Regulation for the VR Sick Pay Fund. The Regulation states that if there have been significant changes in wages in the last 6 months, income may be assessed separately and over a longer period, but never longer than 12 months. This mainly refers to when a member's wage decreases significantly due to illness, e.g. they can not work regular overtime that used to be part of the wages, or that the work ratio has decreased due to ill health.
The average wage of those who have paid less than 6 months to the VR Sick Pay Fund is calculated according to the following:

The average wage of those who have acquired the right to the payment of sickness and accident per diem payments from another trade union's sick pay fund shall be found by dividing the wage during the reference period by the number of months that have been paid into the VR Sick Pay Fund.
The average wage of those who have not been entitled to another union's sick pay fund and have not paid to VR's Members’ and Sick Pay Funds, shall be found by dividing the wage in the reference period by 6 months, even if less than 6 months have been paid.
Sickness and accident per diem payments must be 80% of the average wage, provided that there is no equal or higher payment due to temporary disability according to liability insurance for the same period. In cases where a member receives payments for the same accident and/or illness period from other parties, such as payments from workers' compensation insurance, it is permitted to pay the difference between the compensation amount and 80% of the average wage if that amount is lower than the calculated amount of daily allowance from the VR Sick Pay Fund. Accident per diem according to this Article is not paid due to compensable accidents and occupational diseases, including accidents caused by motor vehicles.

Sickness and accident per diem payments for those who refuse to participate in the offered resources of the Fund's advisers shall be 72% of the average wage. However, such reduction shall not occur until at least 120 days have been paid in the relevant payment period. In the event of such a reduction, the beneficiary may demand that the matter be referred to the Fund's Executive Board for a final decision.

2.9 Sickness per diem is paid to parents for up to 210 days due to the illness of children under the age of 18, as long as the member loses income due to the illness. Per diem must be paid after sickness entitlement ends according to the collective wage agreement.

Article 3 Death benefits

3.1 VR pays death benefits in the event of the death of a full VR member. Benefit amounts depend on the size of the family and whether the person in question was still in the labour market. Death benefits for those who payment is being effected to the VR Sick Pay Fund in the event of death are:

1 If the deceased was married, benefits paid to the spouse are ISK 712,000. If the deceased was not married, benefits paid are ISK 712,000 to the person confirmed to be paying for the funeral.

2. If the deceased leaves behind a child (adopted or foster child) younger than 18 years of age, ISK 800,000 is paid for each child to the person who truly supports the child.

3. In addition, an amount corresponding to the person's credit in the VR Reserve Fund is paid.

3.2 Death benefits may be paid for those who retired at the age of 60 or later if they were full members for a continuous 5 years before retiring:

Death benefits for older members as defined in Article 3 of the VR Act are as follows:

Months since the member became an older member:

1-12 months ISK 712.000
13-24 months ISK 569.600
25-36 months ISK 498.400
37-48 months ISK 427.200
49-60 months ISK 356.000
60 months or more ISK 350.000

3.3 Beneficiaries of death benefits

  1. Surviving spouse
  2. Children of the deceased or the person who fully supports the children.
  3. Others if they bear the cost of the funeral.

The article takes effect from 14 December, 2023. It is assumed that the date of death is after that day. If the date of death is before that, the previous rule applies. See the previous rule here.

Article 4 Accident benefits {Abolished at the VR 2022 Annual General Meeting} See older regulation here. (Icelandic only)

Article 5 Grants

5.1 The Executive Board is authorised to assess the needs and circumstances of members and former members in cases of illness, old age, and disability, and in such cases can approve grants.

5.2 A grant may be paid due to the long-term illness of a fund member's spouse or children, as long as the fund member loses wage income as a result, according to procedures.

5.3 It is permitted to pay a grant, which corresponds to sickness per diem for a total of up to 120 days, due to an illness caused by excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs.

5.4 The VR Sick Pay Fund pays grants to members for life, accident and disease insurance, dentistry, psychological help, fitness, rehabilitation and the cost of assistive devices, e.g. glasses and hearing aids, through the VR Reserve Fund.

5.5 The VR Sick Pay Fund pays grants for in vitro fertilisation/technical fertilisation and adoption, up to a maximum of ISK 200,000 for each member, after 6 months of continuous payment of premiums before the start date of the requested treatment.

The article takes effect from 14 February, 2024. It is assumed that the treatment date is after that day. The previous rule applies if the treatment date is before that day, the amount then is 200.000 kr.

5.6 VR's office can process the following for those who are not eligible according to the current rules:

a1. Travel grants to members due to their own illness, parents’, spouse’s, or children’s under 18, up to a maximum of ISK 150,000.

a2. Travel grants to members for a spouse or close relative up to a maximum of ISK 150,000.

a3. Grants due to spouse’s illness. A grant may be paid corresponding to the total amount of sickness per diem for 3 months.

5.7 All grants that are processed in this way by the employees of the Sick Pay Fund in the VR office must be subject to the approval of the department manager and must be in accordance with the registered procedures.

5.8 The Board of VR determines the annual financial contribution for the next year's grants at the end of each year. The Executive Board of the VR Sick Pay Fund supervises grants from the Fund.

Article 6 Communications between sick pay funds

6.1 A person who has acquired the right to payment from the Sick Pay Fund of one trade union within ASÍ acquires rights with the VR Sick Pay Fund, according to Article 2, after payments have been effected for them to the Fund for one month, as they had rights with the previous union until then. The staff of the VR Sick Pay Fund must do their best to advise applicants for sickness per diem regarding the possible rights they may have with other parties, institutions and associations.

6.2. If the applicant is employed at more than one workplace and payment has been effected for them in more than one sick pay fund when applying for payment, they must state in which fund the payment has been made. The payment of benefits may be postponed until confirmation from other funds is available that the applicant has not applied for payments from them. The Sick Pay Fund must seek such confirmation and provide other funds with an overview of benefits paid for the applicant, the type and amount of benefits.

Article 7 Other issues

7.1 The Executive Board of the VR Sick Pay Fund Fund is authorised, after obtaining the approval of the VR Board, to negotiate insurance for VR members, e.g. group life insurance, leisure time accident insurance, sickness benefit insurance, accident insurance for members' children, etc.

7.2 The collection of the VR Sick Pay Fund's income is handled by Lífeyrissjóður Verzlunarmanna according to agreement.

7.3 Benefits from the VR Sick Pay Fund are paid monthly and applications must be submitted on forms available at the VR office and website, along with the necessary certificates by the 20th of each month so that payment can be received on the 1st of the following month. If sufficient documents or information is not received, the decision on approval or rejection shall be postponed until the requested data is received.

7.4 Employees of the VR Sick Pay Fund, together with the division manager, must hold weekly meetings where applications are reviewed and the payment list is signed and approved.

7.5 If the applicant’s employer’s premiums to the VR Sick Pay Fund are in arrears and the applicant is the employer’s representative, spouse, relative or otherwise closely related, the Fund is permitted to deny the application.

7.6 The right to benefits is based on the payment of the premium. It is not permitted to create a right to benefits by paying premiums retroactively (cf. Art. 9 of the Regulation for the VR Sick Pay Fund).

7.7 In general, it shall be a condition of the payment of sickness and accident per diem that the applicant first attends an interview with the Fund's adviser and that their documents are viewed by the Fund's physician in order to assess possible rehabilitation measures.

7.8 Information registered in the VR Sick Pay Fund's system is personally identifiable information and is subject to the law on personal data protection. All information will be treated as confidential. With their signature on the application the member grants the union the right to gather further data on which the processing of the application may be based, such as information on income and income tax, and agrees that the union's physicians will have access to all medical information and can call the applicant in for an interview.

7.9. A person who tries to obtain benefits by giving false or misleading information, conceals or fails to report changes in their condition or health that affects rights in whole or in part according to this Regulation shall lose the right to benefits from the Fund. Beneficiaries may be reclaimed for already paid benefits/per diem payments obtained fraudulently plus late interest. Upon the first offense, overpaid benefits shall be reclaimed, and the person shall not be entitled to payment of benefits from the VR Sick Pay Fund until two months have passed, which would otherwise have been paid during the same benefit period, or the next time benefits are applied for. Upon the second offense it shall be three months, and for the third offense six months. The right to benefits according to the above is dependent on the reimbursement of erroneously paid benefits.
Before a member is deprived of the right to benefits, they must be given the right to object. The member must be notified in a verifiable manner if they are deprived of the right to benefits.

(Approved by the Board of VR 24.09.79, as amended 01.04.85, 28.11.85, 01.12.88, 09.03.89, 22.11.89, 09.02.94, 30.08.94, 28.12.94, 23.05.95, 20.06.95, 13.06.97, amendments to Art. 2.1 and 2.7, valid from 01.07.97 and 18.02.98, amendments to Art. 2.9, valid from 01.01.98. On 16.04.98, the Board of VR approved amendments to most articles and new ones were added, these amendments are valid from 01.05.98, as amended on 13.04.1999 to Articles 3 and 5, which are valid from 01.04.99 and 07.09.99, amendments to Art. 5.1, valid from 01.09.99 and 06.06.2000, amendments to Art. 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7, valid from 01.05.2000 and amendments to Art. 6.4, valid from 01.06.2000 and amendments to Art. 2.8, 3.2, 4.1, 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6, valid from 01.04.01. On 13 October the Board of VR approved amendments to Art. 3.1 and 3.3, valid from that time. On 9 February 2005 the Board of VR approved amendments to Art. 2.2, 2.7 and 5.4. On 13 April 2005 the Board of VR approved new Articles, Art. 7.4 and Art. 7.5 valid from that time. On 24 April 2006, the Annual General Meeting approved amendments to Art. 3.1 and 5.4. On 9 May 2007, the Annual General Meeting approved amendments to Art. 2.1, 2.6, 4.4, 4.5, 5.5, 6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4,8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7 and 8.8. On 10.09.2008 the Board approved amendments to Art. 2.3, 5.3 and 8.7. On 8 October 2008 the Board approved amendments to Art. 2.5 and 3.2. At its meeting on 12 May 2010, the Board approved amendments to Article 6. The Executive Board approved amendments to Art. 2.7 and 6.1 on 4 January 2011. The Board of VR approved amendments to Art. 2.5 on 20 March 2013, the Executive Board approved amendments to Art. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3., 2.7 and 8.8 on 13.08 2013 for implementation after the Annual General Meeting on 26.03 2014.

Interim Provisions Art. 2.7, 3.1 1. and 2. items, 4.1, 4.3, 5.5; These articles take effect from 1 July 2015, but until then the old rules apply.

The Executive Board and the Board of VR approved amendments to Art. 3.1 on 14.12 2016 for implementation from 01.01 2017.

The Board of VR approved amendments to Art. 4.1 on 7 June 2017

The Executive Board of VR approved amendments to Art. 2.1, and Art. 3 in addition to a new Art 2.4 on 12 December 2023).

The Executive Board of VR approved amendments to Art. 2.7 on May 22 2024.

VR Sick Pay Fund

Members can apply to the VR Sick Pay Fund for sickness per diem, accident benefits, death benefits and other grants.

For further information on the VR Sick Pay Fund click the link below.

See more here