Election to VR's Youth Council

Election for the Youth Council will take place from May 21 to May 24, 2024.

15 candidates are running, and their introductory texts can be seen below. Please note that the candidates are listed here in alphabetical order.

Access to an electronic ballot has been sent via email to those members eligible to vote who have registered their email address with VR. Members who do not receive an email but believe they have the right to vote, are advised to send a message to unglidarad@vr.is.

Please note that this subpage is under construction.

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  • Andri Vef


    Name: Andri Freyr Eiðsson
    Age: 21
    Current occupation and workplace: Shift manager at Krónan

    Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Youth Council of VR? 
    I decided to run for the VR's Youth Council because I believe in the power of youth voices in shaping the future of our community. As a young individual passionate about making a positive impact, I see this as an opportunity to represent my peers, address their concerns, and work collaboratively towards creating a more inclusive and supportive environment within VR.

    What issues do you want to see VR advocate for on behalf of young people? 
    I believe VR should advocate for initiatives that prioritize mental health support, educational opportunities, and access to recreational activities for young people. It's crucial to address the challenges youth face in today's society, such as academic pressure, social isolation, and limited resources for personal development. By focusing on these areas, VR can empower young individuals to thrive and contribute positively to their communities, fostering a brighter future for everyone.

    I need your support to do this. Put an X by Andri Freyr for a brighter future for the young people of VR. Thank you for considering my candidacy!

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  • Elmargudlaugs Vef

    Name: Elmar Guðlaugsson
    Age: 31 years old
    Current occupation and workplace: Sales and Business Manager of Court Solutions at Hugvit.

    Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Youth Council of VR? 
    I decided to run because I have not made the issue of young workers as much as I would have liked throughout the years. I have been working for 15 years and in that time in many jobs. Would like to turn it around and focus on the interests of young people. I know very well what it's like to start a young person in the labor market and what it means to have little knowledge of trade unions and the rights that come with being employed. Then I consider myself to be a strong voice for young people, having worked in both large and small workplaces and have had human resource and therefore know the environment quite well. I also have an education as a lawyer and I believe it is strong when it comes to the rights and demands of workers. Young people in the labor market need a person who understands them and has been in their shoes.

    What issues do you want to see VR advocate for on behalf of young people? 
    The most important thing is that young people feel comfortable contacting and see their benefit in communicating with their union. There are too many cases where people don't know their rights and don't have the guts to get in touch because they think they have a weird or wrong question. I would like to convey to young people that it usually pays to ask questions and get good answers and/or explanations. I also think it is very important to think about the young people in the labor market who are taking their first steps and to ensure that information is accessible. It matters when starting a job, whether it's after studying or new summer job at a new workplace, that young people know their rights and are receiving wages in accordance with collective agreements and other important rights. In many cases, young people have not received any information on how best to turn around, and it is very important that minimal knowledge such as choosing a trade union according to a job is present.

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  • Fannar Vef

    Name: Fannar Pálsson
    Age: 28 years old
    Current occupation and workplace: Assistant store manager at Skechers Kringlan

    Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Youth Council of VR?
    I want to take part in shaping the future of young people in the labor market. I want to empower young people, want their voice to be heard and for their quality of life to continue to improve as much as possible. I have versatile experience as well as interests that I think are well suited to the group of people who will be in the youth council at VR and I try to be very positive. I have all kinds of ideas for young people in the labor market. I want to be in the conversation with VR in supporting young people at the labor market.

    What issues do you want to see VR advocate for on behalf of young people?
    I want VR to continue information flow for young people about how to start at the labor market, and this is especially for the youngest group. How can people be better informed about paychecks and how important it can be to read them carefully on a regular basis. I want VR to encourage young people to use the Employment Fund and help people with applications. I also have some more ideas for the issues of our youth. Can the youth personal discount possibly be higher? Can VR encourage companies to give young people some endorsements? And more on those notes that I want to be a part of and help VR improve.

  • Heiddis Vala Vef

    Name: Heiðdís Vala Þorsteinsdóttir
    Age: 27 years old
    Current occupation and workplace: HR Payroll & OPS Specialist at DHL Express Iceland.

    Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Youth Council of VR?
    The main reason for my candidacy is that I am very interested in labor issues, but as I have never sat at the other end of the table, I have little or no understanding of those issues. Undoubtedly, there are more young people in my situation, who want to know more but think it is too complicated or inaccessible. That is why I consider myself to be an important link in the youth council, where I come in as a person who is not familiar with the union struggle and can thus put myself in the shoes of others who want to know it. Since schools have not taken care of teaching people about the work of labor unions, it is up to us to acquire the knowledge. Knowledge about the labor struggles and its development is an important tool in activating the society in the battle and thus making society even better.

    What issues do you want to see VR advocate for on behalf of young people?
    The matter closest to me is that young people are increasingly getting older when they start a family and/or reach a financial stability in life. It is not a coincidence. By better supporting young people before they have a family, the problem can be caught before it occurs. I believe that there is a lack of financial support for those people, as they are often new to the labor market and have little or no rights there. Young people should not suffer and be in a disadvantage because they are young and inexperienced, and companies/society should realize the value of employing young people.

    In addition, I have experience working as a foreign worker abroad that did not know the language or the social rules well. When I moved back to Iceland, I noticed the unfair labor situation of foreign workers. People who are absolutely necessary for us Icelanders to maintain society and enrich it in every way, but many of them do not get the same conditions or rights only because they are not familiar with Icelandic society and therefore do not know any better.

  • Jonas Vef FIN

    Name: Jónas Þorgeir Sigurðsson
    Age: 28 years old
    Current occupation and workplace: Warehouse Associate, Veltir (Brimborg)

    Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Youth Council of VR?
    I started young on the work market, and I did not know the role of the unions. I just showed up for work and complained about how low the salary was. Today I have familiarized myself with a lot of what VR has to offer and I wish I had that knowledge when I first stepped in to the work market. It is our social duty to watch out for the people that are taking their first steps in the work market.

    What issues do you want to see VR advocate for on behalf of young people?
    I want to maximize the understanding of the unions for those taking those first steps, whether it is in the form of videos with extensive information or courses people can sign up for. Especially in wage agreements.

    I want new union members to get education from union trustees about their rights as a member of VR before they start working, such as shortening of the work week, lunch- and coffee breaks and benefits like the vacation web.

    I want more workplace visits and that the results of those visits to be published on VR’s website. That way union members can see the results of their workplace.

  • Lara Vef

    Name: Lára Portal
    Age: 27 years old
    Current occupation and workplace: Sustainability Consultant at KPMG.

    Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Youth Council of VR?
    I advocate for young people's interests and enhancing our visibility, prioritizing equality and ensuring active youth participation in engagements and decision-making processes at VR.

    In my role as a sustainability consultant, I am solution-oriented and proactive. I work in a dynamic environment that requires flexibility and innovation due to the rapid development of sustainability issues worldwide. I have been active in social and volunteer work since 2011, serving on various committees. This year, I am participating in a Nordic youth project organized by the United Nations Association of Iceland, which promotes a holistic approach to sustainable development.

    I am committed to promoting self-confidence and resilience of young people entering the job market. I want to ensure that VR grants and funds are based on the needs of young people. I will ensure creating a pathway that allows young employees to thrive and encourage dedicated youth participation.

    What issues do you want to see VR advocate for on behalf of young people?
    Promoting visibility and education is essential to ensure that young individuals entering the job market are adequately equipped with knowledge. Equally important is making young members aware of VR’s purpose and to introduce them to their basic rights. I want to emphasize the importance of early consideration of pension matters including private pension savings.

    I advocate for a reassessment of VR's funds and grants, ensuring alignment with the genuine needs of young people. This could include improved access to vocational grants and greater student support. I am also in favor of ensuring that students are remunerated for their internships.

    I envision VR promoting a healthy work-life balance in sync with modern society. Improving access to mental health resources, facilitated by adjustments to the contingency fund, is essential. I consider it important for VR to promote the self-confidence of young members in job search and in negotiations. Moreover to strengthen the resilience of young people to influence their immediate and broader environment. Lastly, I consider it important to increase transparency in wage matters.

    Thank you for taking the time to consider my candidacy.

  • Obi Vef FIN

    Name: Óbi Snær Barböruson
    Age: 25 years old
    Current occupation and workplace: Icelandair passenger service at Keflavik airport 

    Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Youth Council of VR? 
    We young people need someone who looks out for our benefit and stops underestimating us just because we are young. 

    What issues do you want to see VR advocate for on behalf of young people? 
    The requests for experience from young people who obviously do not have it, the minimum salaries just for being young, the lack of responsibility that we are given in jobs due to the simple fact of our age.

  • Ragnheidur Vef

    Name: Ragnheiður I. Sigurgeirsdóttir
    Age: 28 years old
    Current occupation and workplace: Consultant at Takk ehf.

    Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Youth Council of VR?
    It is crucial that all voices are heard and listened to, and young people need to step forward to make a difference. I have significant experience in social activities, having served on the Youth Council of Árborg, the Youth Council of Samfés, and the Youth Council of Amnesty International in my younger years. My interest in social issues has not waned over time; if anything, it has intensified. This reflects my passionate interest in current affairs, society, the economy, the environment, news, and the future.

    I hold a BA degree in Philosophy, Economics, and Political Science (HHS) from Bifröst University, which has provided me with a broad and critical understanding of how things function in contemporary society. Currently, I am pursuing studies in Media and Public Relations at the same university.

    It takes a collective effort with clear intention and awareness to enact necessary changes. Young people must have a voice in this, which is why I am running for the VR Youth Council.

    What issues do you want to see VR advocate for on behalf of young people? 
    I want to focus on bridging the gap between parental leave and preschool, as this area is currently in a state of disarray. Similarly, significant steps must be taken to enable young people to enter the housing market on acceptable terms. There also needs to be a commitment to educating young people about their rights in the labor market and ensuring that communication channels are clear when their rights are violated.

    I advocate for making December and vacation bonuses tax-free and placing a strong emphasis on increasing mental health resources for workers.

    VR has done a lot of good for young people, but it is essential to continually reassess and be bold in making progress. Young people are the future.

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  • Sarah Vef

    Name: Sarah Mohammedi 
    Age: 31 years old
    Current occupation and workplace: Project manager at Össur (Embla Medical)

    Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Youth Council of VR? 
    I have lived in Iceland for nine years, during which I have always been a VR member. I have become very familiar with VR regulations and labor laws as an employee of large companies, but most importantly, in my role as CEO of AIESEC in Iceland. During this time, the rights and employment terms of the team members and customers were my responsibility. This experience is often useful to my inner circle for advice to both Icelandic and foreign colleagues, which then extends to conversations about labor rights in other markets or challenges faced by the younger workforce in Iceland. Being a part of the VR Youth Council is an opportunity to support changes more adapted to the needs of the younger generation.

    What issues do you want to see VR advocate for on behalf of young people? 
    In Iceland, the current laws and regulations should offer better job security. In a country like Iceland, work can easily be found elsewhere, but not necessarily in the employee's chosen field. As a result, this can impact the career development of the younger generation and most importantly hinder their financial independence.

    This reality creates a culture where we might feel left with no other choice but to pressure ourselves to outperform in the hope of recognition and better career opportunities. Whether successful or not, this method often brings along stress, anxiety, and burnout. We need a better framework to address this issue. A workplace culture that emphasizes mental health support is not enough, and extended sick leave is a solution for no one.

    My international background is an opportunity to bring diversity into the conversation. It should be mentioned that, unfortunately, I do not speak Icelandic. Though, I count on my resourcefulness to compensate for this weakness.

    Job security, financial independence, and emotional well-being are topics I have chosen to comment on as a result of what I have witnessed and experienced in my working experience in Iceland. Yet, so much more should be talked about.

  • Tomas Vef

    Name: Tómas Guðni Sigurðarson
    Age: 26 years old
    Current occupation and workplace: Þekking and Bónus

    Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Youth Council of VR?
    I have worked in nearly 15 different workplaces, both as a manager and a regular employee, in a variety of jobs. I have a great interest in various things, am open to new ideas, and am not afraid to disagree or express my opinion, but always willing to hear the views of others. :)

    What issues do you want to see VR advocate for on behalf of young people
    Better education for young people about the laws and regulations related to unions and the labor market. Simplify the understanding for young people who are entering the labor market so that there is a willingness to learn about it at a young age and it is easy to understand. For young people in the market, it can be overwhelming to learn the various information and to ensure that their rights are not being violated.