Senior’s Council

The role of the Senior Citizens’ Council is to advise the board of VR regarding the policy of VR when it comes to senior VR members, to work in cooperation with other trade unions and interest groups of senior citizens for the rights of older VR members vis-à-vis employers, pension funds, local authorities, and the government.

Senior Council members 2023 – 2025 are:

Benedikt Sigurðarson
Bjarni Þór Sigurðsson
Erla Halldórsdóttir
Gísli Jafetsson
Ólafur Reimar Gunnarsson
Selma Björk Grétarsdóttir

The VR Senior Citizens’ Council has of three representatives from the VR Board, three elected representatives, selected by senior VR members, the chairman of the VR, as well as two alternates who are also senior VR members. 

The term of office of representatives in the council is two years at a time, and the aim is to have an equal gender distribution in the council.

The role of the Senior Citizens’ Council is to advise the board of VR regarding the policy of VR when it comes to senior VR members, to work in cooperation with other trade unions and interest groups of senior citizens for the rights of older VR members vis-à-vis employers, pension funds, local authorities, and the government.

The Senior Council of VR has, among other things, drafted VR's demands on behalf of VR's senior members in relation to the collective bargaining agreements, which VR was the first trade union to formulate. In addition, VR's Senior Council has produced two television programs with a focus on VR's fight on behalf of senior members, the first in connection with the parliamentary elections in 2021 and the second in connection with local government elections in 2022. The Senior Citizens’ Council also holds briefings for senior members of the VR union, as well as working with the Gray Army, the National Association of Elderly Citizens and the Tenants' Association in relation to the common interests of seniors.

Rules of Procedure and Role of the VR Seniors' Council

Article 1

The VR Seniors' Council serves as a forum for discussion and consultation for 60+ members of the union. The VR Seniors' Council shall advise the VR Board on matters concerning members, aged 60 and above.

The council's objective is to ensure that the interests of 60+ members are consistently on the union's agenda.

The role of the VR Seniors' Council is to:

  • Safeguard the interests of VR's 60+ members.
  • Provide a platform and means for 60+ members to express their opinions and proposals.
  • Encourage senior individuals to participate in the labor movement, influence their community, and advocate for improved quality of life.
  • In collaboration with other unions and senior citizens’ interest groups, conduct research, organize events, and hold conferences in support of 60+ members' advocacy.
  • Issue resolutions on relevant issues and causes, supporting VR’s policies on matters concerning the 60+ group.

Article 2

The VR Seniors' Council shall consist of six representatives, who will allocate roles among themselves. Every two years, three members are elected to the council by VR members aged 60 and older for a two-year term, along with two alternates. This election generally takes place following the VR Board elections.
Three additional members are appointed by the VR Board at its first meeting after the Seniors' Council election. Additionally, the VR chairperson will serve as a member of the Seniors' Council with full voting rights. The council should aim for a gender balance among its members. The council will have access to VR staff resources to support its work.

Article 3

The VR Seniors' Council shall convene every other month or more frequently as needed. The council will present ideas to the union's board for further decisions and actions.