Candidates for VR Chair and Board 2025 - 2029
In the VR leadership elections of 2025, votes will be cast for the Chair, seven seats on the VR Board, and three seats on the Alternate Board. The term of office for the Chair and Board members is four years, while the term for Alternate Board members is two years. The elections will take place from March 6 until noon on March 13.
Candidates introduce themselves and prensent their key issues on the VR website, click on a candidate's name below to view their introduction page.
Candidates for Chair:
Candidates for the Board:
- Andrea Rut Pálsdóttir
- Birgitta Ragnarsdóttir
- Eldar Ástþórsson
- Guðmundur Ásgeirsson
- Jennifer Schröder
- Karl F. Thorarensen
- Kristján Gísli Stefánsson
- Maria Araceli Quintana
- Mateusz Gabríel Kowalczyk Róbertsson
- Ólafur Reimar Gunnarsson
- Selma Björk Grétarsdóttir
- Styrmir Jökull Einarsson
- Svanhildur Ólöf Þórsteinsdóttir
- Tómas Elí Guðmundsson
- Vala Ólöf Kristinsdóttir
- Þórir Hilmarsson