Voting for the Chair and Board members of VR
A general vote among VR members for the election of the Chair and Board of VR for the 2025 - 2029 term will begin at 10:00 AM on Thursday, March 6, 2025, and conclude at 12:00 noon on Thursday, March 13, 2025. The voting process is electronic.
Who is eligible to vote?
All full members of VR have the right to vote in the elections. Also included in the electoral register are also older members who receive an old-age pension and have been in the union for at least five consecutive years before retiring.
Information for eligible VR members
All eligible members will receive an email with details on how the voting process works. The information will also be available on the VR website, and announcements will be made on VR’s online platforms and social media as well as news sites.
Access to the electronic ballot is available on the union’s website. Those who do not have access to the ballot but believe they are entitled to participate in the vote can contact the VR Election Committee via email at or at the Hús verslunarinnar, Kringlan 7, 103 Reykjavík, before the end of the voting period. The deadline for appeals is until the close of voting.
How to vote?
To vote, go to the VR website,, click on VR Elections 2025, and log in using electronic ID. The ballot will then open in a new browser window, along with instructions on how to cast your vote. If you do not have electronic ID, you can apply for one at or through your bank.
It is important to note that seat allocation on the board, based on the election results, follows the so-called alternating method, meaning that men and women are placed in seats alternately. See more in Article 20 of the VR Bylaws.
There are four candidates for the position of Chair and 17 candidates running for seven seats on the main board for a four-year term, as well as three seats on the alternate board for a two-year term.