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News - 08.03.2024

VR's Annual General Meeting 2024

VR's Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 21 March, 2024 at 19:30 in the hall Gullfoss at Fosshótel Reykjavík, Þórunnartúni 1.

The meeting will be both remote and on-site. Members who plan to attend the meeting must register in advance on the VR website by 12:00 noon on the day of the meeting and register for either an on-site or remote meeting.

English interpretation will only be available on Teams.

Due to the organization of the meeting, elections will be electronic, and all documents will be available online. We ask that attendees identify themselves with electronic credentials. It is important that everyone who attends the meeting has the appropriate equipment with them to be able to participate in the elections (computer or smart device).

See more information here.