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Vr Fanar 6

News - 10.03.2022

VR offers Ukrainian refugees emergency assistance

The Board of VR condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine's free and sovereign state, which is a clear violation of international law, and we support any peaceful action that can end the war.

VR will immediately respond to the state of emergency in Ukraine caused by this invasion and war and respond to the call of trade unions in Ukraine for help. VR will contribute when welcoming Ukrainian refugees to Iceland with financial support and by providing temporary housing. While VR offers the use of the union´s four holiday houses in Ölfusborgir, the Board of VR wants to urge the Icelandic government to make significant improvements in housing matters in Iceland.
In addition, VR will support aid for refugees from Ukraine by one euro per VR member or about 5,600,000 ISK.

The board of VR also urges other unions in Iceland to contribute because the need is great and with a joint effort it is possible to achieve much for the better.

Approved by the Board of VR on March 9, 2022