Members of VR can register for the Blær waitlist on My Pages on vr.is. To register, information such as name, ID number, phone number, etc., must be submitted, and the Blær annual fee must be paid. Please note that registration on the waitlist is only for VR members who are 18 years or older. To be allocated an apartment, additional conditions must also be met (see here).
The annual fee for Blær is 2,900 kroner, payable upon new registration on the waitlist. VR members on the waitlist will then receive a bill for the same amount in their online bank 12 months from the initial registration, which needs to be paid to maintain their status on the list for the next year.
No. If a member no longer wishes to be on the Blær waitlist, they simply do not pay the annual membership fee when it is time to renew the membership. Members who do not pay the annual fee of Blær every 12 months will automatically be removed from the list.
Generally, the rule will be that members who register on the Blær waitlist will be given numbers in the order applications are received. However, there will be an exception to this arrangement at the beginning, where those members who pre-register on the waitlist during the period April 16, 2024 – June 16, 2024, will be placed on the list in random order. Therefore, it does not matter when during this two-month period people register. This is done to ensure equality and to ensure that people have time to familiarize themselves with Blær's operations at the beginning of the project. After pre-registration ends, applicants will be placed at the back of the list in the order their applications are received.
When apartments become available, they will be publicly advertised by Blær and information will be sent via email to everyone on the waitlist. It will then be possible to view key information about the available apartments and apply for allocation within a certain time period. Subsequently, applications for each apartment will be processed. Those members who meet all the allocation conditions and have the lowest number on the waitlist will be allocated an apartment and then have seven days to pay a confirmation fee.
To be eligible for an apartment allocation, applicants must meet the following conditions:
- The applicant must have reached the age of 21.
- The applicant must have been a full member of VR for at least 24 months out of the last 36 months at the time of allocation.
- The applicant must not have owned real estate in the last five years at the time of allocation.
- The applicant must have registered information correctly and be up to date with Blær in the payment of the annual fee.
- The family size of the applicant must match the size of the apartment being applied for. Please note that applicants need to meet the above conditions to be allocated an apartment but can register on the waitlist earlier. For instance, it is possible to register on the waitlist at 18 years old with the intention of applying for an apartment at 21 years old. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with Blær's allocation rules before applying for a number on the waitlist.
No. There are no income limits, so VR members can apply for Blær apartments regardless of their monthly salary. However, applicants for apartments must not have owned real estate in the last five years.
The rental price of the apartments is not currently available, but this information will be published before applications for apartments are solicited.
If an apartment application is accepted, a confirmation fee must be paid within seven days to confirm the allocation. The confirmation fee is ISK 50,000 and counts towards the rental deposit, which is equivalent to three months' rent. The confirmation fee is non-refundable if the applicant withdraws the allocation.
Members on the waitlist can only get apartments in accordance with their family size according to the following table:
Apartment Type
Allocation Based On
Number of Bedrooms
2-room Apartment
Individual, childless couple/partners*
3-room Apartment
Single parent with one child or more, couple/partners* with one child or more
4-room Apartment
Single parent with two children or more, couple/partners* with two children or more
5-room Apartment
Single parent with three children or more, couple/partners* with three children or more
*Non-married couples must be formally registered as living together.
*Non-married couples must be formally registered as living together.
No. If a member applies for an apartment allocation but then decides not to proceed and does not pay the confirmation fee, their status on the waitlist remains the same. It is also possible to maintain one's status on the waitlist without applying for allocation if, for example, the member chooses to pay the annual fee to Blær in order to have the opportunity for future allocations.
No. It is not possible to transfer a waitlist number or to register on the waitlist on behalf of someone else.
Pet ownership rules will be decided by residents' associations. To allow pet ownership, approval from 2/3 of the apartments in the same stairwell is required.
No, subletting is not allowed. Tenants will be able to apply for an exemption from this rule to a special committee within Blær, for example, due to temporary stays abroad.
Yes. Blær's allocation rules provide for a special transfer list, which is a waitlist for those members who already live in a Blær apartment but want to switch apartments. It will be possible to register on the transfer list once an individual has lived in their apartment for two years. To be allocated a new apartment, the individual must meet all the allocation conditions.
No. To be allocated an apartment, applicants must have been full VR members for at least 24 months, but if a tenant changes trade unions after moving in, it has no effect on their ability to continue renting. However, those who apply to move between apartments within Blær must meet all general allocation conditions.
Blær's allocation rules state that an applicant cannot be allocated an apartment if they have owned real estate in the last five years. If the tenant acquires real estate after moving into a Blær apartment, they must report it to the association, which then has the authority to terminate the lease agreement.
There will be a total of 36 apartments in these first two apartment buildings of Blær, located in Úlfarsárdalur in Reykjavík. The apartments vary in size from small two bedroom apartments to large family apartments with four bedrooms. Drawings of the apartments and further information will be available when applications for apartment allocation open in July 2024.
There is interest in building more apartments on behalf of Blær, and the company has been exploring potential plots. However, no precise plans have been finalized at this time.